Case Studies and Customer Refer­ences

Well-known companies from all industries worldwide rely on the products of InfraTec. Thereby, the fields of application in infrared measurement technology as well as in sensor technology are numerous and often special. The following case studies will give you an insight into the various application possibilities of our products.

InfraTec - References
Measurement of photosynthesis in the fieldInfraTec Sensor Division - Asclepion Laser - Picture credits: © / 1132827504 enes evrenInfraTec Sensor Division - Measuring the breath alcohol concentration

Use of Pyro­elec­tric Detectors in Prac­tice

One advantage of pyroelectric detectors is the versatility of their applications. Detecting and analyzing gases and gas mixtures, investigating the material composition of organic and inorganic compounds, monitoring flames – all this is of great importance in a wide range of industries. Selected examples will help you to get to know some of the possible applications and, at best, to gain valuable ideas for solving your own measurement and testing tasks.

InfraTec - WASTE-SCAN ARC Copenhagen - © ARC amager ressource centerInfraTec ZMS Müllkraftwerk Schwandorf Twin System Waste BunkerInfraTec & KWS Saat - Thermography in Plant Research ©KWS SAAT SE & Co. KGaA

Use of Ther­mo­graphy Systems in Prac­tice

Well-known companies from all over the world use infrared thermography as a measurement method in the development of new products, temperature-controlled process automation and quality control. Universities, technical colleges and institutes use thermography systems from InfraTec for applications in science and education. The spectrum of reports in which our customers describe the concrete use of their cameras is correspondingly broad.

Sensor Division

Over­view about Case Studies from Sensor Divi­sion

  • Detection of unknown gases with Xplorir from RedWave | Picture credits: @ RedWave Technology

    The Chemical Threats Detective

    RedWave Technologies builds products to protect communities and countries from accidental and intentional chemical threats. The handheld and portable FTIR spectrometers from RedWave with integrated pyroelectric detectors from InfraTec are used to identify unknown chemicals by safety professionals and emergency response personnel. Unknown chemical spills and releases can come from transportation accidents, industrial accidents, residential and industrial fires, or other catastrophic events.

    Read more about hazardous substance analysis with pyroelectric detectors
  • Patient being tested on Vyaire's Vyntus™ CPX Metabolic Cart.

    Pyroelectric Detectors in Pulmonary Diagnostics

    Vyaire Medical develops devices for the diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of respiratory diseases. Alongside our other products, we can provide a spiroergometric system for lung function diagnostics, such as the VyntusTM CPX. Integrated into the VyntusTM CPX is the pyroelectric detector LMM-242 from InfraTec.

    Read more about the pyroelectric detectors for pulmonary diagnostics
  • Analytical instrument ERASPEC from eralytics in use

    Special Detector for Fuel Analysis

    Since 2007, the eralytics company has been developing and manufacturing analytical instruments for quality control in the mineral oil as well as the flavor and fragrance industry. One of the multi-fuel analyzers is ERASPEC. It allows the measurement of different properties of fuels. ERASPEC is equipped with a pyroelectric detector from InfraTec - the special detector LIE-312.

    Read more about the special detector for fuel analysis
  • Mobile methane measurement device IRwin® with pyroelectric detector LIM-262 from InfraTec

    Leak Detective in Action for More Safety

    The INFICON company develops and produces, among other things, gas detection and concentration measurement devices. The IRwin® portable natural gas detector is one of them. A product for use in gas pipelines leak detection survey, commissioning and emergency, as well as for Landfill Surface Emission Monitoring. On board: a pyroelectric detector from InfraTec.

    Read more about leak detection with the help of pyroelectric detectors
  • Gas sensor LY-NDIR by Haina including InfraTec detector LRM-284

    InfraTec Detectors against Global Warming

    Qingdao Laoying Haina Group uses infrared detectors to equip its self-developed devices for environmental gas analysis.

    Read more about gas sensors for environmental gas analysis
  • Measurement of photosynthesis in the field

    Feeding the World

    Studying plants to improve crop performance and yield. The global population is growing and current crop yield is not keeping up with this pace of growth.

    Meas­ure­ment of photo­syn­thesis in the field
  • InfraTec Sensor Division - Helicobacter - Picture credits: © / 482337236

    Take a Deep Breath

    Half of the world‘s population is infected with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Thanks to Beijing Richen-Force Science & Technology, Helicobacter pylori can now be reliably detected.

    Read more about bacterium Helico­bacter pylori
  • InfraTec Sensor Division - Measuring the breath alcohol concentration

    A New Gener­a­tion for Meas­uring Breath Alcohol

    Alcohol is the most frequent cause of death in road traffic accidents and 20% of work-related accidents are caused by alcohol. According to the WHO, about three million people die worldwide each year from alcohol consumption – that is more than from AIDS, violence and road accidents combined.

    Read more about the new gener­a­tion for meas­uring breath alcohol
  • InfraTec Sensor Division - Asclepion Laser - Picture credits: © / 1132827504 enes evren

    Scars Fade Thanks to Laser Treat­ment

    Diseases such as chickenpox and acne leave scars that can affect a person for a lifetime. Thanks to dermatological lasers, these can be removed gently and safely without anaesthesia or just with local anaesthetic, even from the face.

    Read more about about scars fade thanks to laser treat­ment
  • Cannabis Analyzer supports analysis of medically relevant substances of cannabis

    Smells Like Medi­cine

    Cannabis serves as a basis for oils, fragrances, clothing, intoxicants – and as a medicine. Already several thousand years ago the Chinese used it as a remedy against rheumatism. Nowadays, researchers worldwide are again dealing with the medical use of the plant. Infrared sensors provide answers to the question of which type contains which active ingredients.

    Read more about cannabis analysis
  • Prototype for respiratory gas analysis of Geratherm Respiratory GmbH’

    Health Care in One Breath

    „Please strip to the waist.“ Medical examinations still frequently begin with this sentence. Still. This sentence could very soon be: „Please breathe out strongly.“ For research in the field of respiratory gas measurement systems are making considerable progress. The aim is clear: To make the diagnosis of illnesses easier and painless.

    Read more about health care
  • Awite’s non-dispersive multi-gas sensor is suitable for biogas analysis due to lower drift rates and improved transverse sensitivity to other hydrocarbons

    Energy Miracle with Natural DNA

    What does your breakfast egg from the weekend, a cornfield and a large portion of french fries from a fast-food restaurant have in common? They all provide raw materials for a biogas plant. Organic substances such as egg shells, corn or potato peelings are decomposed there naturally under airtight sealing. The result is an energy-rich and extremely versatile product – biogas.

    Read more about biogas analysis
Meas­ure­ment Divi­sion

Over­view about Case Studies from Meas­ure­ment Divi­sion

  • At the geographic south pole

    Antarctic Building Thermography

    Building thermography is a popular and established application for thermal cameras. Today the related services are frequently provided with simple “pistol” style cameras and from low-cost service providers. But when it comes to perform precision thermography you definitely need serious equipment and professional users!

    Get further inform­a­tion about building ther­mo­graphy
  • Thermal imaging of a shrink tunnel prototype

    Thermal Imaging in Plastics Engineering

    A core topic of modern materials research is the research on plastics as a versatile material for various technological applications. Quite often, industrial applications are developed from academic basic research.

    At the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Paderborn, Kunststofftechnik Paderborn (KTP) works intensively on this topic using a VarioCAM® HD for this purpose.

    Get further inform­a­tion about ther­mo­graphy in material research
  • Failure Analysis on Electronic Components | ©BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg

    Ther­mo­graphy on the Trail of the Fault

    Today, thermographic damage and function analysis of electronic components is an established test method in electrical engineering. This method is also used for research purposes at the Institute for Electrical Systems and Energy Logistics at BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg. In this context, Prof. Dr. Ralph Schacht is intensively involved with the material and system characterisation as well as the non-destructive failure analysis of printed circuit boards, electronic components, microelectronics as well as composite systems of packaging and interconnection technology.

    Read more about non-destructive failure analysis on elec­tronic compon­ents
  • InfraTec & KWS Saat - Thermography in Plant Research ©KWS SAAT SE & Co. KGaA

    The Seeds of the Future

    Environmental conditions today often tend towards extremes. Many areas are very humid and wet, while others are predominantly dry. Particularly in the second case, cultivating raw materials such as grain, beet or maize is a challenge. A challenge that KWS SAAT SE & Co. KGaA is facing. As part of its plant research, the company uses the VarioCAM® HD head 900 infrared camera from InfraTec to analyse the behaviour of plants during drought stress and pest infestation.

    Read more about ther­mo­graphy in plant research
  • InfraTec & Highland Helicopters - Aerial Fire Mapping ©Highland Helicopters Dunedin, New Zealand

    Catching Fire – Aerial Fire Mapping

    Wildfires are a permanent threat for several regions around the world – and the global climate change is adding to the number and severity of these events. Fighting them is a huge challenge, strong winds, heat and inaccessibility make it even more difficult and dangerous for those who risk their life to protect others. One approach to tackle wildfires is the usage of airborne fire mapping.

    Read more about aerial firemap­ping
  • InfraTec thermography casestudy tu chemnitz

    Thermal Micro Actu­ators for Nano­tech­no­lo­gies

    Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) offer a wide range of possible applications in the field of nanotechnology. Everyday examples are the position recognition of mobile phones and the use in airbags, digital cameras or pacemakers. Other applications can be found above all in the field of miniaturised medical diagnostics. Growing demands on miniaturisation affect both the system solutions required for this and the sensors and control elements to be developed.

    Read more about ther­mo­graphy in nano­tech­no­lo­gies
  • InfraTec Thermography Success Story: CAU Kiel

    Power Elec­tronics – Effi­cient Control of the Futures Energy

    The energy efficiency of electronic components is becoming increasingly important in numerous fields of application. And that is not all: in our electronic and high-tech age, the demand is for even faster active components, higher power densities of miniaturised systems as well as absolute reliability. Along with this, there is the request for environmentally conscious resource procurement and the requirement that the increase in performance of modules should run parallel to lower energy consumption.

    Get further inform­a­tion about ther­mo­graphy for power elec­tronics
  • InfraTec WUN Bioenergie Woodpelletstorage

    Fire Protec­tion in Wood Pellet Storage

    Wood pellets as an alternative and high-quality fuel have become increasingly important in recent years. Their local origin from sustainable cultivation in the region has given WUN Bioenergie GmbH the opportunity to respond to market demand as an environmentally friendly supplier of raw materials. However, like other fuels, stored wood pellets need to be secured and monitored around the clock to prevent causes of devastating damage in the event of a fire, for example. Robust and reliable thermography solutions are a suitable tool for plant protection here.

    Get further inform­a­tion about the FIRE-SCAN Monit­oring System
  • InfraTec - WASTE-SCAN ARC Copenhagen - © ARC amager ressource center

    Early Fire Detec­tion in Incin­er­a­tion Plant

    The Amager Resource Center (ARC) is a waste incinerator like no other. From the roof of the Waste to Energy facility, skiers and snowboarders wind their way down on green plastic mats from a height of about 80 meters, even in the summer. The city hall of the Danish capital, Copenhagen, is just five kilometres away. The location, which is almost in the heart of a European capital, as well as its use as a public leisure centre, shows how much confidence operators place in the safety of the ARC. An important component in the security concept is the WASTE-SCAN infrared monitoring system for early fire detection by InfraTec.

    Get further inform­a­tion about WASTE-SCAN Monit­oring System for safety in Waste-to-Energy Plant
  • InfraTec - Process Monitoring During Open‐die Forging

    Process Monit­oring During Open‐die Forging

    Anyone who wants to produce curved or twisted steel and aluminium components, can rely on bending forging nowadays. Components with complex geometries can now be manufactured by means of this incremental forging variant.

    Get further inform­a­tion about Vari­oCAM® HD head 800 for process monit­oring during open‐die forging
  • InfraTec ZMS Müllkraftwerk Schwandorf Twin System Waste Bunker

    WASTE-SCAN Against “Black Clouds”

    Many tons of waste are bunkered and processed every day in waste recycling plants. It is not uncommon for this to contain highly flammable materials. If ignition sources get into this storage area, for example during delivery, there is an acute risk of fire. Therefore, waste incineration plants are subject to the strictest fire protection requirements in order to prevent endangering the environment and local residents. For this reason, an extremely important preventive measure is the permanent monitoring of the waste bunker and, if necessary, the surrounding areas.

    Get further inform­a­tion about WASTE-SCAN Monit­oring System for safety in plant oper­a­tion
  • Monitoring the Surface Temperature on Curing Epoxy Resin Samples - Picture credits: © AdobeStock / wichientep

    Monit­oring the Surface Temper­ature on Curing Epoxy Resin Samples

    Epoxy resin systems are mostly used as a matrix material in fibre composites. In a variety of manufacturing processes, the corresponding resin system is processed in a flowable state. The material only acquires its rigidity in a subsequent curing process. This is characterized by an exothermic chemical reaction with a pronounced temperature dependence.

    Get further inform­a­tion about curing epoxy resin samples with Vari­oCAM® HD research 800
  • Determining heat transfer coefficients at Leibniz University Hannover

    Infrared Thermography for Determining Heat Transfer Coefficients

    Technical systems and devices are often subject to the influence of thermal energy or heat up due to internal processes. Their efficiency and service life can be increased, for example, by optimised thermal management. The installed active components are usually optimised extensively for this purpose. Passive components, on the other hand, are often neglected in this respect.

    Get further inform­a­tion about ImageIR® 8300 for determ­ining heat transfer coef­fi­cients
  • InfraTec Uni Bayreuth - Analysis of the Thermal Conductivity

    Analysis of the Thermal Conduct­ivity in Nano- and Meso­struc­tured Polymer Systems

    New materials with precisely controlled optical and thermal transport characteristics can make a large contribution to resource-saving thermal management. Scientists of the University of Bayreuth are pursuing this vision. They use infrared thermography to quantitatively determine thermal conductivity in nano- and mesostructured polymer materials.

    Get further inform­a­tion about Lock-in Ther­mo­graphy with Vari­oCAM® HD research 800
  • Inline Process Control for Quality Assurance of Weld Seams - TU Ilmenau

    Inline Process Control for Quality Assur­ance of Weld Seams

    As part of the 3dStahl collaborative project, a 6-axis robot, equipped with a welding machine, was attached upside down to a wall-to-wall wire rope hoist kinematics system in order to automate joining processes involving small quantities or even individual parts such as large-scale objects (lock gates, bridges).

    Get further inform­a­tion about continuous process quality assur­ance using an infrared camera
  • Inspection of district heating pipelines using thermography

    Inspec­tion of District Heating Pipelines

    District heating is generally regarded as an extremely efficient and environmentally friendly form of energy supply. Based on industrial waste heat or renewable energy sources, it offers the possibility of heating water and thus supplying private, commercial and industrial customers. Netze Duisburg GmbH is doing to control the city's entire district heating network supported by InfraTec infrared cameras.

    Read more
  • Hochschule Aalen - Laser soldering

    Laser High-temperature Capillary Gap Brazing

    Lasers are extremely versatile tools in industry and manufacturing technology. Due to their flexibility, they serve as a key technology for implementing the goals of industry 4.0. Although laser cutting and welding are nowadays regarded as turnkey technologies, the majority of laser applications, for example joining of hybrid materials, 3D printing or ultra-short pulse processing, still require considerable research and development.

    Read more about high-end-ther­mo­graphy with ImageIR® 8300 hp
  • Thermographic Analysis of a Fusion Plant - Divertor

    Monit­oring Plasma at Wendel­stein 7-X

    What will the energy supply of the future look like? The Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP) in Greifswald is dealing with this question.

    Read more about ther­mo­graphic analysis of a fusion plant with ImageIR® 9300
  • Thermography InfraTec CWD wind turbines testing

    Precise MN·m Torque Meas­ure­ment in Wind Turbine Test Benches

    The generation of electricity power produced by wind turbines is expanding worldwide. This development is associated directly with an increasing demand to test the product reliability, functionality and life durability of wind turbine subsystems like the drive train.

    Usage of Vari­oCAM® High Definition for torque meas­ure­ment
  • InfraTec/GOM Webinar

    Combin­a­tion of Digital Image Correl­a­tion and Ther­mo­graphic Meas­ure­ments

    The combination of measuring results from the digital image correlation (ARAMIS, DIC) and temperature measuring data from infrared cameras enables the simultaneous analysis of the thermal and mechanical behavior of test specimens in the materials and components testing field.

    Further inform­a­tion about ARAMIS system from GOM and infrared cameras from InfraTec
  • Early fire detection with WASTE-SCAN monitoring system

    Early Fire Detec­tion in the Power Plant

    Today's power and heating supply in the city of Bern is hardly imaginable without the Forsthaus energy centre (Energiezentrale Forsthaus – EZF). This power plant combines a refuse incineration plant (KVA) with a wood heating power plant and a combined gas‐steam power plant. The Swiss company relies on the WASTE‐SCAN infrared monitoring system from InfraTec for the early fire detection.

    Further inform­a­tion about early fire detec­tion in the power plant
  • Thermal Stress Analysis of Metals, picture credit: © / kimtaro

    Thermal Stress Analysis of Metals

    Stress changes during tensile testing provide information about material properties of metals such as tensile strength. With the help of thermographic cameras metallic solid bodies can be tested for such stress changes.

    High‐End‐Ther­mo­graphy with ImageIR® 8300 hp
  • Nickel‐titanium Wires in Tension Test - Picture credits: © / tunart

    Nickel‐titanium Wires in Tension Test

    How do solid materials change structurally? The engineers Prof. Stefan Seelecke and Marvin Schmidt from Saarland University investigate this fundamental question in materials research. Both consider this topic with the help of micro-thermography. Their cutting‐edge basic research ensures that we will have even more energy‐efficient electric devices to use at home in future.

    Usage of ImageIR® 9300 at Saar­land University
  • thermal imaging for climate research

    Ther­mo­graphy for Climate Research

    Climate research is one of the most exposed types of academic research these days. With the continuous discussion about extreme weather events and long‐term implications of human‐made climate factors the related science has become a part of everyone´s daily life.

    Ther­mo­graphy for Climate Research
  • Tire Inspection with thermal imaging - Picture Credits: © Vladimir Melnik /

    Tire Inspec­tion with Ther­mo­graphy

    Mechanically stressed car components like tires are a continuous issue for quality inspection and related R&D improvements. At Bridgestone Corporation in Hofu (Yamaguchi prefecture in South-Western Japan) new test procedures for off-the-road tires for construction and mining vehicles (OR tires) had to be developed to meet the literally growing scale of performance concerning the carrying capacity.

    Read more about tire inspec­tion with ImageIR® 8300
  • Quality Assurance with Active Thermography

    Quality Assur­ance with Active Ther­mo­graphy in Series Test at Zwickau Volk­swagen Plant

    Non-destructive testing methods are becoming increasingly more important in the industry. One reason is that they cost much less than other test methods. As a very elegant method, the active heat flow thermography method is now firmly established as a powerful method of non-contact and non-destructive testing of products of different manufacturing technologies.

    Usage of ImageIR® to test laser welds of body compon­ents
  • Laser welding at Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. - Picture credits: © / emituu

    Ther­mo­graphy in CFRP Processing

    Many new systems operate at very high laser intensity levels and consequently require close control of thermal processes. This is achieved by the use of infrared thermography which is both contact-less and provides imagery.

    Usage of ImageIR® 8300 at Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V.
  • Using Thermal Imaging for Optimisation of Installed Wind Turbines - Picture Credits: © visdia /

    Ther­mo­graphy for Optim­isa­tion of Installed Wind Turbines

    Due to the decreasing number of suitable locations for wind turbines and the increasing push towards renewable energy sources, new activities have been introduced to improve the efficiency of rotor blades for wind turbines.

    Usage of ImageIR® for Optim­isa­tion of Installed Wind Turbines
  • Inverter with loaded components to forecast their lifecycle - picture credits: / Mordolff

    Ther­mo­graphic Micro­scopy in Electronics

    At the same time that the performance of electronic components is being driven ever higher the demand for thermal management at ever smaller scales is also occurring.

    Usage of the infrared camera ImageIR® 8300 at the Fraunhofer-Institut für Silizium-tech­no­logie (ISIT)
  • Infrared thermal imaging applications at “Kunststoff-Zentrum in Leipzig (KuZ)“ - Picture credits: © / aquatarkus

    Infrared Ther­mo­graphy Applic­a­tions at “Kunst­stoff-Zentrum in Leipzig (KuZ)”

    Due to relative good emission ratios of many plastics, infrared thermography is suitable for the extended characterisation of plastic processing technology and its optimisation. This application report exemplifies infrared thermography applications for plastic processing and inspection technologies at the KuZ.

    Read more abour infrared ther­mo­graphy applic­a­tions at Kunst­stoff-Zentrum in Leipzig gGmbH
  • Vehicle-Bound Mobile Surveillance Solution

    Vehicle-Bound Mobile Surveil­lance Solu­tion from InfraTec

    2012 marked an important milestone for the Eastern European Countries of Poland and the Ukraine – the jointly rganized UEFA European Football Championship 2012. While this kind of events generate a wide public attraction there are certain background activities which contribute to a seamless progress significantly: Security and logistics are two core tasks to be handled by the relevant local authorities. 

    Usage of Vari­oCAM®-series as vehicle-bound surveil­lance solu­tion
  • Ladle Hot Spot Detection by InfraTec - Picture Credits: © / kot63

    Auto­matic Ladle Monit­oring

    A ladle typically contains up to 290 tonnes of hot, liquid steel when it is transporting the melted good to the continuous caster. Ladle-temperature measurements with contact-free infrared thermography are an ideal basis for the early detection of impending breakage.

    Reli­able Ther­mo­graphic Complete Solu­tions LHSD from InfraTec
  • Thermography in Electronics Development - Picture credits: © / Jimmyan

    Ther­mo­graphy in Elec­tronics Devel­op­ment

    At Delphi’s laboratory plant “Test & Validation Services”, thermography is used for design and product validation as part of quality assurance. Therewith, a stable hardware basis is set for integrating new technologies in motor vehicles that again present a substantial contribution to traffic safety.

    Usage of infrared ther­mo­graphy at Delphi Deutsch­land GmbH
  • Thermography in quality assurance with PRESS-CHECK - Picture credits: © / 3alexd

    Ther­mo­graphy in Quality Assur­ance

    Quality assurance and process enhancement is essential to complex industrial processes. Leading businesses rely on certified quality management, to allow for matters of quality and environmental sustainability even during the early stages of manufacturing development. In co‐operation with a leading automotive supplier, InfraTec GmbH enhanced the automated thermography monitoring solution PRESS‐CHECK to inspect the product quality of press hardening with an accuracy of 100 %.

    Auto­mated Infrared Ther­mo­graphy for Temper­ature Meas­ure­ment in Indus­trial Processes
  • InfraTec thermography reference - Thermal Ceramics - Picture credits: © / JazzIRT

    Ther­mo­graphy for Insu­la­tion Checks

    All kind of hot industrial processes need to be contained well to allow the process itself to go on and at the same time to protect neighbouring installations and employees working there. Thermography helps to detect weak points and provides first indications for necessary repairs.

    Usage of Vario­CAM® series at Morgen Thermal Ceramics
  • Thermography for Quality Assurance: Testing of turbine blades for gas turbine power plants  / Picture credits: © Siemens Energy Global GmbH & Co. KG

    Ther­mo­graphy for Quality Assur­ance

    Today gas and steam turbine power plants by the SIEMENS AG are more than ever complex high-tech products. Heavily stressed parts like the turbine blades are tested with the latest measurement techniques for example with infrared thermography.

    Usage of ImageIR® 8300 for quality assur­ance at Siemens AG
  • Thermography for Building Inspections - Picture credits: © Pexels / Felix Lauster

    Ther­mo­graphy for Building Inspec­tions

    ARCHIMEDES Facility-Management GmbH uses its infrared camera predominantly for revisions and securing of quality standards during the construction phase of newly erected buildings and the refurbishment of older buildings. Thereby the detection of construction faults like thermal bridges, poor insulations or air leakages plays a major role.

    Usage of Vari­oCAM®-series for building inspec­tions
  • Study of bats - Picture credits: © / fermate

    Ther­mo­graphy for Envir­on­mental Studies

    In order to protect bat populations firstly their ecology has to be understood but it can be very difficult to study the small, nocturnal mammals in the wild. Infrared thermography offers solutions to many of the problems faced by bat ecologists.

    Monit­oring of bats with Vari­oCAM®-series
  • Thermography in Process Automation - Isabellenhuette

    Ther­mo­graphy in Process Auto­ma­tion

    The company Isabellenhütte Heusler GmbH & Co. KG has identified this potential at an early stage and uses infrared thermography for the quality assurance of their low resistance precision resistors.

    Usage of Vari­oCAM®-series at Isabel­len­hütte Heusler GmbH & Co. KG
  • thermography Reference - Thermography for Health - Picture credits: © / SARINYAPINNGAM

    Ther­mo­graphy for Health

    With the use of a thermometer only an indication of a spot temperature can be obtained. Infrared thermography provides the complete picture, non-invasive temperature measurement of the complete body part.

    Usage of Vari­oCAM series for human medi­cine

Visit our Online Events

InfraTec Webinar: High-Resolution Aerial Thermography
Online Event

High-Reso­lu­tion Aerial Ther­mo­graphy

2024-11-05 | 09:00 GMT - 11:00 GMTVirtual

By utilizing a helicopter equipped with a thermal camera, gimbal-supported aerial thermography gets a third dimension through infrared. From an elevated position an infrared camera can visualize a large thermographic overview for a variety of applications. Depending on the actual mission plan fixed wing aircraft can provide further options for those applications as well, of course.

Spectral Thermography – Basics and Application
Online Event

Spectral Thermography – Basics and Application - 13.11.2024

2024-11-13 | 09:00 GMT - 11:00 GMTVirtual

Infrared thermography allows precise temperature measurements within the infrared waveband ranges SWIR, MWIR and LWIR on various materials. Learn in our online event how to apply spectral thermography and which requirements are necessary on IR equipment and software.


Training Thermography Software IRBIS® 3

2024-11-26 | 09:00 GMT - 14:30 GMTVirtual

The training provides you with specific knowledge on the efficient use of the IRBIS® 3 thermographic evaluation software from InfraTec.

InfraTec Webinar: High-Resolution Aerial Thermography
Online Event

High-Reso­lu­tion Aerial Ther­mo­graphy

2024-11-05 | 09:00 GMT - 11:00 GMTVirtual

By utilizing a helicopter equipped with a thermal camera, gimbal-supported aerial thermography gets a third dimension through infrared. From an elevated position an infrared camera can visualize a large thermographic overview for a variety of applications. Depending on the actual mission plan fixed wing aircraft can provide further options for those applications as well, of course.

Spectral Thermography – Basics and Application
Online Event

Spectral Thermography – Basics and Application - 13.11.2024

2024-11-13 | 09:00 GMT - 11:00 GMTVirtual

Infrared thermography allows precise temperature measurements within the infrared waveband ranges SWIR, MWIR and LWIR on various materials. Learn in our online event how to apply spectral thermography and which requirements are necessary on IR equipment and software.


Training Thermography Software IRBIS® 3

2024-11-26 | 09:00 GMT - 14:30 GMTVirtual

The training provides you with specific knowledge on the efficient use of the IRBIS® 3 thermographic evaluation software from InfraTec.

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